A Simple Way to Cook a Buttery Baked Cabbage

baked cabbage

This is the Simple way to Cook a Buttery Baked Cabbage. Try the fabulous taste of this oven-baked vegetable!



  • 1 head cabbage – halved, sliced, cored
  • 1 garlic clove – sliced
  • olive oil – as needed
  • 1 stick butter – salted or unsalted
  • 1 tsp sugar – or to taste
  • garlic powder – to taste
  • 1 onion – sliced
  • salt and pepper – to taste


  1. Put sliced cabbage in a baking pan with about 1-inch of water on the bottom.
  2. Pour olive oil over the cabbage. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, some garlic powder and a little sugar then toss well using your hands.
  3. Mix in the sliced garlic. Cover and bake it in an oven preheated to 350º. Time this for about 45 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, slice the butter and spread all over the top of the cabbage, cover and return to oven. After another 15 minutes, uncover and toss again so that the melted butter is distributed.
  5. If, for some reason, the cabbage seems dry, add a little more oil and toss.
  6. After 45 minutes, or whenever the cabbage is wilted but not mushy, taste and adjust for seasonings. Uncover and cook for 10 minutes just to brown the top layer a bit.
  7. Serve your Buttery Baked Cabbage.

Note: This is a great recipe for a crowd and baking the cabbage does not allow its smell to permeate throughout.


Buon Mangiata!


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