How our family enjoy Sunday

One of the nicest things about Sundays is that we get to relax and enjoy family time.  Even though for the most part we all work in different places and time, it is still gratifying to get together on Sunday and cook. We may not all be together on a Sunday, but we always enjoy whoever is able to come and join us. 

A lovely Sunday with my family: mangiamagna

A lovely Sunday with my family

Last Sunday, Olivia, our 8-year-old granddaughter came over early to help us with pasta making. She helped in the making and chose the recipe, so we named the entrée “Tagliatelle Olivia”!


Olivia’s dish was very wholesome and I’m very proud of her. I am always looking forward for more cooking Sundays to come!

     Making the sauce

Tagliatelle Olivia


Buon Mangiata!


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